Is Watermelon Good for Cats to Eat or Bad?

Watermelon is our favorite summer fruit. It is perfect for hydrating in the hot summer months. This delicious fruit is very popular with most people, and can be shared with cats as well. There are a few precautions that are essential to your pet’s health when it comes to human food, especially watermelons. On this page you will get detailed information. Read on for everything important to know about watermelons and their benefits and drawbacks for your cat.

The nutritional point of view

Watermelon is a good source of vitamins A and C, both of which are important nutrients. Watermelon is enriched in magnesium, minerals, potassium, iron, etc. What could be a more balanced diet for a cat? In general, watermelon does not have a lot of nutritional values ​​compared to other foods that are essential for cats. It is good to give a proper meat based diet to your cat, and watermelon in moderation (twice a week).

The cat’s sense of taste

The flavor of watermelon makes it very popular with people. Its sweet taste may not mean anything to your cat. However, according to a popular belief, cats cannot identify sweet flavors. This applies to most carnivores.

Remove the seeds

Watermelon pulp is safe for your cat. However, you must remove the seeds before giving it to the cat. This is due to the fact that some components found inside the seeds can be very harmful to them. It is believed that watermelon could be risky if not all seeds are removed first.

Seeds can be very dangerous

Watermelon seeds contain cyanide, which is also known as a cyanogenic glycoside. It is dangerous for cats because they cannot dispose of it. If your cat accidentally breaks a seed while eating watermelon, cyanide will circulate in his body, and could lead to poisoning. Your cat may start showing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. Along with the seeds, the rind of the watermelon must also be removed. Your cat may not have a hard time eating it. However, it is quite tough and difficult to digest.

The key is moderation

Like any food that isn’t made specifically for cats, you need to limit the amount of watermelon you feed your cat. The side effects on your health will begin to show over time. A few pieces at a time are fine, a whole plate is not. Feed your cat moderate doses of natural food. Foods that provide valuable minerals, vitamins, fiber, enzymes and antioxidants may not be present in the usual commercial cat foods.


Your cat needs a certain balance of nutrients and you shouldn’t try to replace all of her food at once with fresh fruit, such as watermelons. Rather, consult your veterinarian or nutritionist for an appropriate and balanced diet. Your cat is probably adorable and quirky at the same time, and maybe eats human food that might make you worry. In fact, domesticated cats have adapted to feed from our table. Many of our foods are not harmful to them in small quantities, as long as they are accompanied by a well balanced diet.

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About the Author: Cathy Prater