How to Help Your Pets with Urinary Tract Infections

Most pets whether dogs or cats sometime in their life will develop urinary tract infections. Most of these urinary tract infections are normally treated with antibiotics over 10 to 14 days. Pets that have recurring urinary tract infections may need to continue to take antibiotics up to 3 or 4 weeks longer. This is where identifying the correct bacteria is most important. 

Resistant to antibiotics

Some of the bacteria can become resistant to antibiotics, which is why many vets will not prescribe antibiotics until they know the exact bacteria that are causing the infection. While your pet should show signs of recovery quickly, it is important to give the full course of antibiotic regimen to make certain the bacteria is totally neutralized. 

Concerning cats

With cats, the causes of problems in the urinary tract do not involve bacteria, and this makes antibiotics unnecessary. In its place, the vet might prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain relief drugs as well as some medication that will calm the bladder. You may also ponder on handling this problem by using an active hemp supplement such as “Canna-Pet”, especially if you are looking for an alternative that is natural.

Stones or crystals

If your vet finds crystals or stones in your cat’s urinary tract, then your cat will most likely need long-term diet changes that keep the urine at a constant pH level in order to reduce chances of stones continuing to form. This happened to one of my cats and for the rest of her life; she had to be on special food. 

New Product

There is also a new product on the market called “Nature’s Pure Edge” which is a pet urinary relief product. This is a product that is graded by vets and is made of all-natural Cranberry and D-Mannose powders blended for bladder, kidney and urinary tract health. This D-mannose for cats and dogs has proven to be quite helpful in keeping urinary tract infections to a minimum. 

This product can:

  • Maintain a healthy urinary tract and supports bladder function at an optimal rate.
  • D-Mannose and cranberry are potent for the defense against urinary tract infections and keep the urinary tract healthy.
  • Kidney and bladder supplement that has antioxidant as well as anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Stops bacteria from adhering to the bladder and urinary tract wall.
  • These ingredients have helped with some of the toughest urinary infection cases across the United States.
  • Plus, pets love the taste.


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About the Author: Michael Gant