Horses are undoubtedly among the most aristocratic and majestic pets of all. These are a symbol of your eminence and command. These are most loved by people with kingly and regal attitudes. While these are the most fascinating pets, they are also expensive to own. You need to arrange for stable, riding equipment, special food and caring assistance, grooming, and not to forget veterinarian bills. Just like any other pet insurance cover in australia, horse insurance policies also provide cover for unexpected expenses that you would otherwise have to pay out-of-pocket. These plans provide you immense peace of mind and assistance when your loved animal is suddenly sick or injured. By sharing some financial burden, these insurance plans make it possible for many people to own this magnificent pet. Here are some details about horse insurance that would help new owners to buy an appropriate cover.
- Types of horse insurance
Two basic types of insurance are available for horses. You can pick any of these basic types and choose other add-ons to get a more personalized plan for your pet.
- Standard horse insurance
The major inclusions in standard horse insurance are theft, straying, and mortality. You can also ask to include the optional cover for veterinary fees. You can claim mortality cover if your horse is down with injury or illness. Straying cover is helpful as horses often have adventurous streaks and are prone to straying away. As mentioned earlier, these are also expensive pets, these are also prominent targets for thieves. In such cases, a theft cover will provide you reimbursement for the expenses to find your pet or for its market price, if it is not found. Additional vet cover gives better coverage to pay medical and hospital bills for your horse.
- Third-party insurance
It is hard to predict a horse’s moods and movements which makes them prone to accidents. These animals are also capable of causing potential harm not only to themselves but also to others and their property. Third-party insurance helps you pay for such losses and save you from legal actions.
- Extras
There are several optional extras that you can choose with your horse insurance policy based on your needs and affordability. You can ask for float cover that shares transport expenses and payments to repair floats if damaged or destroyed. You can also get cover for the saddlery equipment that is costly and can dig hundreds of dollars from your pockets. Ask your provider about other extras you can get and choose wisely.
- What is excluded from a horse insurance
While taking any insurance policy, known about exclusions is often more important than known about what is included. Here are some prominent exclusions related to horse insurance.
- Pre-existing conditions
If your horse has a history of any health issue, it is important to disclose it to the insurer. These conditions are excluded from the cover and your claim will be rejected in such cases.
- Aged animals
Some insurers also have an age limit for accepting insurance applications. They may reject your application if your pet has exceeded the age limit defined in their policies.
- Improper care
Your claims can also be rejected if your horse suffers due to your negligence and improper care. For instance, if you fail to get proper vaccination for your pet and it falls sick due to that, the insurer may reject your claim.