5 Things About Cats that Prove They Are Gods

More people in the US keep dogs as pets, but in the second place with millions of them are – cats. Almost 100 million cats are living as pets in the US. You may say that every third person is an owner of one. People seem to love them, but you can’t pass by their arrogant attitude sometimes. See more stats about cats in the US on this link here.

Because of it, people always say that cats are gods. They look down upon humans thinking they are better than their guardians. They must be thinking – if the human feeds me, takes care of me, gives me water whenever I want, then I must be God.

But, some other things also point to this claim. Of course, we’re just joking about it, but in this article, we’re going to show you some of the best parts of the cat personality that claim they are amazing. Follow up if you want to know more!

1. Cats sit on high grounds to assert dominance

There’s a reason why cats love to climb your closets and you’ll often see them on the roof of the house without a way for them to get down. Their understanding of dominance is that whoever sits on the highest ground is the one that rules the place.

If your cat often sits in the closet and sleeps there, it is not because they want to get away from you, but because they want to show you who’s the boss in the house. While there, they are probably thinking how you’re the repressed one that needs to work for their well-being.

When it’s time for lunch, they’ll come down and ask you to give them something, but right after that, you’ll be ignored. All this, of course, if they feel like they have dominance over you. Other ones will feel equal and they’ll sleep with you and do everything together with you.

2. They are the best hunters in the social ecosystem of humans

There’s no other animal in the city that hunts better than them. They have eyes that can literally see in the dark and there’s nothing that will get away from their senses. Their smell is extraordinary too. It is around 14 times better than ours so you can say that nothing will be left unnoticed by their instinct.

Very often, you see them hunt birds, mice, or insects and bringing them to your feet. This is made out of respect and gratitude. They want to give you the same favor as you’re doing to them by feeding them every day. Some like to say that this is done because they feel you’re a poor hunter, but that’s not true.

Their hunting skills need to be practiced, though. That’s why during the day they love running around the home, climbing up chairs and tables, and tearing down the curtains. It’s smart to get them some toys, like those from https://www.katzengeschnurre.de/ and let them do their games in a safe place.

3. Their purr is healing

Doctors have proven that the cats’ purring has healing effects over humans. Very often we see them walk up to their owner and sensing the place where there’s an injury. They sit close to the injury and start purring. The sound has vibrations that make us calm and it helps the immune system work well.

It is also proven that people with heart diseases should get themselves a cat just because of the same reasons. The purr is going to make their heartbeat synchronized and help them work better. It’s unbelievable but true, and if you suffer from something like this, it’s worth giving it a try.

4. They seem to really have nine lives

How many times you’ve seen a cat fall off a high building, get run over by a vehicle, or literally drop dead because of something, and then see it the next day acting like there’s nothing wrong with it? It seems like cats have some special powers of extra lives to spare.

Their sense of handling situations in the last second is unbelievable. They always land on their feet and have suspension mechanisms that allow them to fall off a 10 story building and still survive. They are amazing creatures with more lives which definitely makes them gods.

5. They are absolutely adorable and cuddly

Is there a more adorable creature in the living kingdom? They are so cuddly and fluffy. There’s no person, except for those who might be allergic to their fur, that won’t enjoy a peaceful cuddly cat in their lap.

All cat owners enjoy spending at least an hour just sitting on their couch doing nothing and cuddling their pet. It calms them down, makes them feel loved, and creates an atmosphere of peace that can’t be replaced with anything else.


These five points prove that cats are gods. They are the most loving creatures in the animal kingdom, they are nearly indestructible, are amazing hunters that will survive without our help easily, and they feel like they are above us any day of the week.

If you’re a pet owner, you can relate to everything we wrote in this article, and if you still haven’t got yourself one, then hurry up and join the vast community of almost 100 million Americans owning one.

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About the Author: Mary Gates